Focus on Distinction

John laPlante's blog. The title comes from the idea that there is often some critical detail that makes all the difference in a design, a movie, an event, etc. I am espeically interested in usability and design.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Development out of the Womb

The Daily Show had a debate with Mike Huckabee about abortion. Huckabees main argument was that life begins at conception. John Stewart's argument was that a woman has the right to control her body. These arguments are standard.

I've thought for a while that some day, advances in technology will allow us to develop a child outside of the womb from a early phase in pregnancy. This technology would go a long way to resolving the abortion issue. Instead of getting an abortion, a woman could have the fetus removed and the child could be raised by the state or maybe by some of those folks waiving banners outside the hospital.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Mike Huckabee Extended Interview Pt. 2
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